Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred - Day 12

Okay. To be perfectly honest, I skipped two days. But I had a good reason! Boy troubles. Really bad boy troubles. Whatever, shut up. You know how boy troubles can be. I'm fine now, but I was in no condition whatsoever to work out - the first day I skipped, I was wallowing in anger and sadness, as well as suffering from the hangover I was smote with for drinking an entire bottle of wine by myself. The second day I skipped, I had not slept at all. I may not deal with stress very well...

I went to the gym this morning and ran for 35 minutes on the treadmill before calling it quits, due to the extreme sweatiness and dehydration that can follow after two days of drinking and crying and uncertainty and being mad. Not a pretty sight.

I followed it up with Level 2, using 5 lb. weights, which I think was a mistake. I had to cheat a little on the last strength circuit to finish. I think I will go back to 4 lb. weights tomorrow. Added in a little 8-minute ab magic and was done for the day. Yay!

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