Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred - Day 2

Okay, so technically, I haven't done the workout yet today, so this post is a little premature. But the reason I haven't done it is that I am hella sore. Yes, I used the term "hella." It's appropriate here, so shut it.

I woke up this morning and my arms hurt, my shoulders hurt, and my inner thighs hurt. I was not expecting this, let me tell you. After all, yesterday, as I noted, I thought the workout was challenging, but not overly so. Apparently, it was more challenging than I thought. But this is a good thing, I guess, as it shows that obviously the workout targeted muscles that I'm not used to working. God, progress hurts.

I figured I'd give myself the day to let a couple of asprin take effect, then work out in the evening. I really hate working out in the evening, because it seems more like a chore that I have to get done before I get to veg out in front of the tv or read my trashy books, and typically, if I miss my morning workout, then I won't do it at all. But I'm on a schedule here!

Just finished my workout. I attempted to run for a bit at the gym, but my legs were so damn sore, I figured I'd save it up for the actual workout. I only made it like, 20 minutes. The workout itself was harder today than it was yesterday because of the soreness, but I think once I work past it, it'll be easier. I stayed at 4 lbs, obviously, 'cause otherwise I would have injured myself. I'm pretty broken as it is.

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